The surface and object motion map (bodemdalingskaart 2.0) is more than a traditional 'map'. It is a digital dataset of more than 40 billion estimates of (surface and object) motion at irregularly distributed locations. These locations are dependent of the satellite position in space, and of the radar reflectivity of the earth's surface. The estimates are the result of a complex sequence of signal processing steps of the original electromagnetic observables, which involve models and assumptions. The development of the algorithms, modeling, and data processing is performed by SkyGeo. For further information see the explanatory pages.
It should be noted that the methodology used for the surface and object motion map (Bodemdalingskaart 2.0) is not optimized for a specific purpose. A different methodology for the data processing will result in a different result. For this reason, if the purpose of the data download is a specific application, we recommend to contact the experts of the ground motion service.
Please consult the Disclaimer page to understant the consequences for practical use of the data.
Surface motion map 1.2 (2015-18) is available as a digital product that consists out of three parts (signals), that can be visualized in different ways: (1) The motion of the surface which is the result of the combination of all motion originating in the deep subsurface and the motion originating in the shallow subsurface. (2) The motion originating in the deep subsurface only, which is due to geological dynamics as well as mining activities, i.e. the production of natural gas, oil, coal, and salt. (3) The shallow compaction. This involves motion originating in the top layers of the earth, to a depth of maximally 25 meters.
The available data sets are (a) a map (GeoTIFF) containing the vertical surface motion rates in millimeters per year, see the download option below, (b) two digital datasets including the time dimension, and (c) a viewer, in which one can interactively explore the data, in space or in time.
For the surface and object motion map (bodemdalingskaart 2.0), the data are available in six independent CSV files. For each independent satellite position a special file is made. In total, this comprises approximately 350 GB (in zipped form approximately 100 GB) in file size. Note that the visualization and analysis of these files requires specialized GIS software, experience, sufficient disk space and memory, and a sufficiently powerful computer.
The CSV files contain point locations, coordinates, meta-information, quality information, derived parameters, and estimated displacement vectors.
The data and maps are distributed under license CC BY-SA 4.0. This license allows you to remix, tweak, and build upon the data even for commercial purposes, as long as you
The distribution of the digital NCG Surface and Object Motion map data takes place via a download site that is maintained by SkyGeo. Please fill in the form below.
De distributie van de digitale NCG Bodemdalingskaart data vindt plaats via een speciale downloadpagina. Vul hiervoor svp onderstaand formulier in.